Digital Transformation


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for the intelligent enterprise.

A Green Farm in the city

Green Farm

Smart Farm Platform that supports one-stop from initial
facility construction to customer distribution
Smart Farm Platform that supports
one-stop from initial facility construction to
customer distribution
  • 상품 분석 썸네일

A Green Farm in the city
contribute to ESG management.

Maximize energy efficiency and link stable income with state-sponsored projects.

Maximize energy efficiency and link stable income with
state-sponsored projects.

수준 진단 - Master Plan - 구축 및 이행 - 운영

  • Environment

    • 생산 최적화
      Energy source Recycling
      Recycling with Co2 natural fertilizers
    • 생산 최적화
      Nutrient Recycling
      Reduce water (30%) / fertilizer (40%)
    • 생산 최적화
      Pesticide-free Cultivation
      Cleanroom Cultivation Facility, Safe Farm Products
  • Social

    • 생산 최적화
      Job Creation
      Youth unemployment/early retirement job offer
    • 생산 최적화
      Stable Income
      Uniform marketability, non-variable production
    • 생산 최적화
      Innovative Agriculture (4th Industry)
      Provides a data-driven agricultural modernization and integration platform
  • Governance

    • 생산 최적화
      Link to State-Funded Projects
      Association of support projects such as Agricultural Development Administration and National Agricultural Cooperatives
    • 생산 최적화
      Ag Tech's 3 Goals
      Consumer delivery/increase in cultivation volume per/
      cultivation area at a constant price
  • Environment

    • 생산 최적화
      Energy source Recycling
      Recycling with Co2 natural fertilizers
    • 생산 최적화
      Nutrient Recycling
      Reduce water (30%) / fertilizer (40%)
    • 생산 최적화
      Pesticide-free Cultivation
      Cleanroom Cultivation Facility, Safe Farm Products
  • Social

    • 생산 최적화
      Job Creation
      Youth unemployment/early retirement job offer
    • 생산 최적화
      Stable Income
      Uniform marketability, non-variable production
    • 생산 최적화
      Innovative Agriculture (4th Industry)
      Provides a data-driven agricultural modernization and integration platform
  • Governance

    • 생산 최적화
      Link to State-Funded Projects
      Association of support projects such as Agricultural Development Administration and National Agricultural Cooperatives
    • 생산 최적화
      Ag Tech's 3 Goals
      Consumer delivery/increase in cultivation volume per/
      cultivation area at a constant price
A Green Farm in the city
seek satisfaction from producers and consumers.
A Green Farm
in the city seek satisfaction from producers
and consumers.
  • It secures competitiveness through its own cultivation/operation know-how.
    It secures competitiveness through its own
    cultivation/operation know-how.

    수준 진단 - Master Plan - 구축 및 이행 - 운영 수준 진단 - Master Plan - 구축 및 이행 - 운영

Inside A Green Farm in the city
Take a look at the service.

Based on IoT, Cloud, and Big Data, the optimal environment of crops
is implemented as an automation system so that anyone can easily
operate a smart farm.

  • Automation systems based on IoT, Cloud, and Big Data
    • • Data collection and analysis by sending environmental sensors (temperature, humidity, CO₂, etc.) to the cloud
    • • Implementation of optimal environment based on data analysis results and operation of IoT system-based automation system
  • Implementation of the optimal environment and providing operational/cultivation manuals
    • • Provides optimal data-driven layout and operational manuals
    • • Implement optimal environments for each data-driven variety(Optimal environment/liquid/day/night setting, etc.)
  • A guide to layout design and deployment
    • • Guide to primary work such as electricity, water, and telecommunications
    • • Provides optimal layout for each target crop
  • Support for start-ups
    • • The ministry of agriculture, food and rural affairs provides information on state subsidies supported by public institutions such as Nonghyup
    • • Conducting training related to operator operation
  • Customer Distribution Linkage
    • • Distributors such as hotels, resorts, marts, department stores, etc
    • • Food companies such as burgers, salads, sandwiches, etc
Any questions?
Please don’t hesitate to post your questions.
We’ll do our best to reply as soon as possible.