
Diagnose issues to establish a more advanced security environment.

Tried and tested solutions are used to establish a security infrastructure, and relevant expertise is passed on to ensure the continued stability of operation.

Professional architecture

Development of architecture based on actual work flows in the field

Total services

Consulting, implementation, operation and follow-up diagnostic services

Tried and tested solutions

Design and implementation experience in various environments: Cloud, IoT, etc.

컴플라이언스 준수, 보안 인프라 구축 및 고객 신뢰도 제고 썸네일

Meet the references

롯데카드, 건설, 면세 등

LOTTE Card, LOTTE E&C, LOTTE Duty Free, etc.

Personal information anomaly detection

롯데건설, 지주 등

LOTTE E&C, LOTTE Corporation, etc.


E커머스, 면세, 글로벌로지스 등

LOTTE E-commerce, LOTTE Duty Free, LOTTE Global Logistics, etc.

Cloud Security SI implementation

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