
From start to finish of clinical research, partner with L.CTMS!

Manage your clinical trials systematically to enhance the quality of your research. L.CTMS gives you a convenient way to streamline your research.

A highly powerful and safe system for research data utilization

User-based system and interface to realize innovation in digital healthcare

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A perfect solution for national project research and domestic overseas clinical trials

질병관리본부 전경사진 입니다.
Korea Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Ministry of Health and Welfare-designated clinical trials
Internal national project research and general research projects

카톨릭중앙의료원 전경사진 입니다.
Catholic Medical Center

Research projects at the Catholic University of Korea’s 8 affiliated hospitals
Management of research tasks, research budgets, centers and contracts, etc.

서울아산병원 전경사진 입니다.
Seoul Asan Hospital

Domestic and overseas clinical studies management
Support for multi-national clinical trials

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