Smart Logistics

Maximize your results with the optimal platform for logistics innovation.

Data-based decision-making systems to easily reduce your supply network management burden.

We propose the optimal logistics system

Logistics BPO platform

물류 BPO 플랫폼

Examples of our state-of-the-art logistics platforms in action

유진초저온 통합물류시스템
Integrated logistics system for Eugene Superfreeze

A front system for logistics operations.

Establishment of a Warehouse Management System (WMS) to manage data generated from the receiving to shipping process of products, and a Transportation Management System (TMS) to support smooth information sharing throughout the delivery process

슈퍼 오토스토어 WMS 시스템 구축
WMS system for Super Autostore

Efficient warehouse management and picking system

Picking system enables an effective response to the rapidly changing logistics environment

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