Business / Partnership
Inquiries related to business and partnership
Recruitment Inquiries
Inquiries regarding recruitment of new or experienced candidates
General Inquiries
Company-related and other inquiries
Area of Interest
LOTTE Innovate Corporation (hereinafter referred to as "the Company") collects personal information from users to operate Customer Inquiries.
1. Collection and Use of Personal InformationA. Phone number- Delivery of notices, confirmation of intent, complaint handling, and securing communication channels.* The following information can be generated and collected in the process of handling civil complaints.B. Service history, log, and IP information- To provide an improved service to users.
2. Retention Period and Use of Personal Information Collected by the Company 3 years
3. You may refuse to consent to the collection and use of personal information. However, if you do not consent, you may be restricted from verifying customer inquiries.
I agree to the collection and use of personal information.
I do not agree to the collection and use of personal information.