Urban Green Farm
Introducing a smart farm platform that supports everything from initial facility setup to distribution to clients, all in one stop.
Inside Urban Green Farm Take a look at the service
Based on IoT, Cloud, and Big Data, the optimal environment of crops is implemented as an automation system so that anyone can easily operate a smart farm.
Urban Green Farm contribute to ESG management
Maximize energy efficiency and link stable income with state-sponsored projects.
Energy source Recycling
Recycling with Co2 natural fertilizers
Nutrient Recycling
Reduce water (50%) / fertilizer (40%)
Pesticide-free Cultivation
Cleanroom Cultivation Facility, Safe Farm Products
Job Creation
Youth unemployment/early retirement job offer
Stable Income
Uniform marketability, non-variable production
Innovative Agriculture (4th Industry)
Provides a data-driven agricultural modernization and integration platform
Link to State-Funded Projects
Association of support projects such as Agricultural Development Administration and National Agricultural Cooperatives
Ag Tech's 3 Goals
Consumer delivery/increase in cultivation volume per/
cultivation area at a constant price